Somehow, taking three online classes this summer seemed like a good idea at one point. Now, I suppose that if I am going to spend about half my life blankly staring at this screen, I may as well be productive and knock some required classes out of the way. The first few days of classes I hit them all hard, getting done assignments all day like a good student. But then the assignments started getting harder, and requiring effort beyond reading the paragraph and retyping the answers, and the incentive to complete these classes quickly became less and less. Now I'm stuck in all three classes; in PE I need to borrow a text book in order to continue, in health I'm supposed to write a two paged essay with sources and such on my opinion on assisted suicide, and in financial lit. I just don't feel like doing it anymore. I know this is a bad thing, and that maybe I should just take a break of sorts, but I still can't see myself studying whether or not people should help other people kill themselves. This is my summer, and it's starting to look a little less exciting than watching llamas feed from across the orthodontists office.
But I assume there is an upside to these lovely little classes. Such as, once I get rid of these three classes and if I take zero hour seminary one or both years, I'll be able to fit in all of my elective classes and keep Regents.
But somehow my life will be improved through this ever exciting adventure called "summer online classes" and one day I may be glad that I chose to persevere through this trial in life, but that day is not today. But tomorrow is a new day, maybe tomorrow I'll come back from XC and I'll automatically have the strangest desire to research whether it is ethical or not to put someone out of their misery who wants professional assistance. Do you see that happening? because I sure don't.
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